Military Devotional








My time in the Marine Corps was a time in my life which I often look back on fondly. One of the things I often envy about those that currently serve is that I did not have a lot of Military resources at my disposal to help me follow Jesus. Today there are so many things available that can really help people who are looking to take the next steps in their relationship with Jesus. This is one of those great resources. I worked with the guys at Pilgrimage Educational Resources to see this Military Edition of OnTrack Devotional come to life.

This devotional goes through the entire NT in a calendar year helping the reader learn from the passages of the Bible and walking through the basics of Bible Study. Taking a few minutes to walk through what you see in the portion you are reading that day then walking through a few questions to help you apply the truths to life.


You can download this devotional for free on Check it out here at Military Devotional.


What’s Your Plan?

Real Men Logo

Each of us as a goal, a dream, a desire to be better than we are. We seem to always see what we want to be or do and it is just beyond our reach. Why are they always just out of reach? Well, I can’t speak for everyone but as for me – I do not have plans to make the  change much of the time. This is where I came across David Domzalski. David is all about helping men discover their purpose and craft a lifestyle that allows them to be better leaders, husbands, and fathers. I have been reading some of his stuff and he kindly allowed me to share this ebook with all of my readers as well.

This quick ebook outlines the simple steps that you and I need to take to see the changes take place in our life. Each section of the book brings it a little closer until it is without our grasp.

If you want to become a better father, husband, employer; get in better shape or grow in any way that is worth the effort. David gives you the tools to get there and will be of great encouragement along the way.

You can Download it for Free HERE!

If you want to reach out to David you can do so through his website or hit him up on twitter @daviddomzalski

A Glorious Declaration


Outdoors is always something that has intrigued me. I love being in the outdoors, working in the outdoors, and sleeping in the outdoors. I like to go hiking, climbing, paddling, cycling or anything else that I can get my hands on. From the time I was a boy I loved spending time out side. I often felt like the message of nature was so powerful but was unable to identify what the message exactly was. So I set out to search it out and in A Glorious Declaration I tried to articulate it for everyone else who has enjoyed the outdoors as well.

In this book we will walk through a number of things that the outdoors is saying and ultimately all of it points in one direction. When you go through it all you can not help but hear what the Mountains are saying, and when you hear it you will agree as well – it is A Glorious Declaration.

Download it HERE!!

Ride of My Life – When I Became a Man.

The Ride of My Life – By Caleb Roloson

As a rule of thumb I always want to pull people into what I am excited about. Ok, maybe it is more of a habit, but when I am excited I want others to be all jazzed up as well. I love it when they are. I hope you see my excitement through this blog from time to time as well as enjoy when I bring others into it who are all excited as well.

So who’s ride is it?

The Ride of My Life was written by my brother-in-law, describing the day that, when he looks back, marks the day that he became  a man. This is significant for 2 reasons.

  1. He was thrown into it by necessity. His father is a great dad, I am consistently learning from my father-in-law in all areas of life. The point is though that this was not a ceremony. They did not have a chance for it. The day came when he did not have the choice and needed to become a man right away. He stepped up and it now marks the day that he looks back at as the day he became a man.
  2. He is in my Community of Men. Caleb is one of the guys that I asked to sign the Enlistment of Service for my son. I hope to share this story with my son as he grows up. I want him to know this story when he looks at his uncle and sometime be able to sit in the woods with him on a trip and hear it straight from his Uncle Caleb. That would be so cool.

Click on Image to Download.

A few short pages to read.

So here is the file you can read. Just click on the image to download the document. Enjoy reading and be sure to share it and send people back this way. You can also click here to download the story.

When did you become a Man?

So as this whole thing grows I would love to have many more stories. I am looking for any other men who are willing to share their story. All you need to do is explain the event or events that come to mind when you answer the question, When did you become a Man? Your story may have been a ceremony or it may have been a situation like Caleb’s, but either way I would love for you to share it.

I will put it into a similar file as Caleb’s story with its own graphic and make sure you get a copy as well as share it with everyone else through my site.

Let me know in the comments if you are interested. Questions are welcome and I would love to hear from as many people as possible.

Are you interested in writing your story?